Protect Girls' Sports In Maine


Are you a Girl Dad?

Cherishing this relationship is not enough;
we must protect it so the next generation can thrive.

But now, unelected bureaucrats at the Maine Principals’ Association (MPA) are putting our daughters at risk. Their policy undermines fairness, safety, and the integrity of girls’ sports. If we allow the radical, lawless MPA to take away our daughters’ rights, what will they target next?

It’s time for Girl Dads to rise, unite, and defend fairness in girls’ athletics. The MPA must restore policies that honor the intent of Title IX and uphold their Code of Ethics.

We are proud Girl Dads—and now, we must fight for our daughters.

Will you stand with us?

Show your support by signing this petition and demanding that the MPA restore fairness, safety, and equal opportunities for girls in sports.


Petition to the Maine Principals' Association

We, the undersigned, urge the MPA to restore policies that align with Title IX and federal regulations to protect girls’ safety, privacy, and athletic opportunities. We demand that the MPA honor its own Code of Ethics, which states:

Girls Deserve Fairness. We Demand Action.

If the MPA refuses to follow Title IX and federal law, it will:

We demand that the MPA create a safe, supportive, and fair environment by immediately reinstating policies that comply with Title IX.